Dodge Journey: Description, Operation


The EGR system reduces oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in the engine exhaust. This is accomplished by allowing a predetermined amount of hot exhaust gas to recirculate and dilute the incoming fuel/air mixture.

A malfunctioning EGR system can cause engine stumble, sags, or hesitation, rough idle, engine stalling and poor driveability.


The system consists of:

  • An EGR valve assembly, located toward the rear of the engine.
  • An EGR solenoid, located in the left rear of engine compartment near EGR valve. The EGR solenoid controls the "on time" of the EGR valve.
  • The ECM operates the EGR solenoid. The ECM is located under the hood next to the air cleaner housing.
  • The tandem pump supplies vacuum for the EGR solenoid and the EGR valve. This pump also supplies vacuum for operation of the power brake booster and the heating and air conditioning system. The pump is located in the rear of the cylinder head and is driven by the exhaust camshaft.
  • Vacuum lines and hoses connect the various components.

When the ECM supplies a variable ground signal to the EGR solenoid, EGR system operation begins. The ECM will monitor and determine when to supply and remove this variable ground signal. This will depend on inputs from the engine coolant temperature, throttle position and engine speed sensors.

When the variable ground signal is supplied to the EGR solenoid, vacuum from the tandem pump will be allowed to pass through the EGR solenoid and on to the EGR valve with a connecting hose.

Exhaust gas recirculation will begin in this order when:

  • The ECM determines that EGR system operation is necessary.
  • The engine is running to operate the vacuum pump.
  • A variable ground signal is supplied to the EGR solenoid.
  • Variable vacuum passes through the EGR solenoid to the EGR valve.
  • The inlet seat (poppet valve) at the

The EGR system will be shut down by the ECM after 60 seconds of continuous engine idling to improve idle quality.

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