Dodge Journey: Half shaft, front

Description, Diagnosis and Testing
DESCRIPTION This vehicle is equipped with either an equal length halfshaft system, consisting of short halfshafts on both sides with an intermediate drive shaft on the right side, or an unequal le ...

See also:

FOOT OPERATED PARKING BRAKE LEVER 1. Release the parking brake. 2. Raise and support the vehicle. 3. Manually release the parking brake cable tension. 4. Push the front cable strand into ...

Description, Operation, Diagnosis and Testing
DESCRIPTION The lubrication system is a full-flow filtration, pressure feed type. The oil pump body is mounted to the engine block. The pump inner rotor is driven by the crankshaft. A structural w ...

Lamp, fog, front
REMOVAL BULB CAUTION: Do not contaminate the bulb glass by touching it with your fingers or by allowing it to contact other oily surfaces. Shortened bulb life will result. ...
