Dodge Journey: Standard procedure

Vehicle wheel alignment is the positioning of all interrelated front and rear suspension angles. These angles affect the handling and steering of the vehicle when it is in motion. Proper wheel al ...

Curb height measurement
The wheel alignment is to be checked and all alignment adjustments made with the vehicle at its required curb height specification. Vehicle height is to be checked with the vehicle on a flat, le ...

See also:

Description, Operation
DESCRIPTION Fig. 265: A/C Expansion Valve Description KA The A/C expansion valve controls the amount of refrigerant entering the A/C evaporator. The A/C expansion valve is of a thermostatic exp ...

Rod, piston and connecting
Description Fig. 206: Piston & Connecting Rod - "F" TOWARD FRONT OF ENGINE - RING COMPRESSOR - SPECIAL TOOL 8189 - OIL SQUIRT HOLE The pistons (1) are made of a high stre ...

To order the following manuals, you may use either the website or the phone numbers listed below. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover orders are accepted. If you prefer mailing your pa ...
