Dodge Journey: Insulator, engine mount, left


2.7L DOHC Engine
Fig. 228: Belly Pan

1. Disconnect and isolate the negative battery cable.

2. Remove throttle body air inlet hose and air cleaner housing assembly.

3. Remove the belly pan (2).

2.7L DOHC Engine
Fig. 229: Left Mount Vertical Bolts

4. Support transmission with floor jack and wooden block.

5. Remove the vertical bolts (1) from the left mount (2) to transmission bracket.

2.7L DOHC Engine
Fig. 230: Mount Isolator Bolts

6. Slightly lower transmission with floor jack to gain access to mount to frame rail fastener (2).

7. Remove mount isolator (3).


2.7L DOHC Engine
Fig. 231: Mount Isolator Bolts

1. Position mount isolator (3) in place, install bolts (1, 2) and tighten to 50 N.m (37 ft. lbs.).

2.7L DOHC Engine
Fig. 232: Identifying Left Engine Mount

2. Raise transaxle into position, install bolts (2) and tighten to 98 N.m (72 ft. lbs.).

3. Remove floor jack and wooden block.

2.7L DOHC Engine
Fig. 233: Belly Pan

4. Install belly pan (2).

5. Install throttle body air inlet hose and air cleaner housing assembly.

6. Connect negative battery cable.

    Insulator, engine mount, front
    Removal 1. Raise vehicle. Fig. 222: Belly Pan - belly pan fasteners - belly pan 2. Remove the belly pan (2). Fig. 223: Front Engine Mount Through Bolt 3. Remove front mount to bracket ...

    Insulator, engine mount, rear
    Removal Fig. 234: Belly Pan 1. Remove throttle body air inlet hose and air cleaner housing assembly. 2. Raise the vehicle. 3. Remove the belly pan (2). Fig. 235: Identifying Rear Mount B ...

    See also:

    Manifold, exhaust, crossover
    Removal Fig. 287: Belly Pan - belly pan fasteners - belly pan 1. Remove the belly pan (2). Fig. 288: Exhaust Extension Pipe 2. Remove the fasteners (1), and remove the exhaust extensio ...

    Canister, vapor
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    WARNING: Refer to the applicable warnings and cautions for this system before performing the following operation. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious or fatal ...
